136. Mindful Hustling with Matt Lebris

Many people tend to believe that professional success is measured by the amount of money in their bank account and that the harder they work the more successful they’ll become, but what happens when that type of “hustle harder” mentality leaves you burned out and disenchanted?  This week’s guest suggests there is an alternative that offers a balance between hard work and success.  Today we speak to Matt LeBris on the topic of “Mindful Hustling.”  Matt suggests, through his own experiences, that he’s learned over the years, how to apply mindfulness to his natural mentality to hustle for what he wants and how the challenges he was facing five years ago personally, pursuing therapy for the first time, as well as the launch of his podcast were catalysts for his own transformational shift.  

Website: mattlebris.com


Quotes from this episode:  

“The more important things are on the opposite side of the highlight reel – the failures, the setbacks, the obstacles that had to be overcome.”

“At what point do we just flip the switch and say, alright let’s work hard, but with a mindful approach to working hard.”

“I had to take the ego out of the driver seat and put it in the back seat.”


Use these prompts to have the opposite of small talk in your real life.

  • What kind of reaction does the word “hustle” bring up for you?

  • Would you consider yourself a curious person?  Are there certain subjects that spark more curiosity for you then others?

  • Had you heard the term “mindful hustle” prior to this episode?  What are your thoughts on this concept?

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