Episode 52: Unfollow Your Passion, with Terri Trespicio


Confucius told us that if we choose a job we love, we’ll never work another day in our lives. This idea that we need to find our singular passion is a message that starts in our childhood and weighs on us as adults. Terri Trespicio is challenging us to rethink the conventional wisdom around what we need to succeed in her new book, Unfollow Your Passion. In this episode we talk about owning your story, the value of staying in your comfort zone, and why embracing boredom could be your path to creativity and passion.

Visit Terri’s Website HERE

Book: Unfollow Your Passion

Ted Talk: Stop Searching for your Passion


Episode 53: Reclaim Your Lost Superpowers, with Lynae Steinhagen


Episode 51: Are You Saying ‘No’ Enough?, with Becky Morrison